High-quality service from the
weather experts
Guiding clients to the right decisions from the weather we process is the foundation of our service. It requires extensive knowledge of both the weather and organisations operating offshore. With advanced technology, combined with passionate weather experts we aim to help clients enhance safety and reduce costs.
Plan operations
with confidence
Get detailed insight on how the weather can affect your operations. Plan projects ahead of time. Make confident operational decisions well in advance by accessing accurate and reliable forecast information in easy-to-understand formats.
Minimize downtime
Weather delays frequently cause unwanted and costly downtime. Increasing workability windows with clients and reducing downtime is a primary objective of our solutions. The Marine Weather Dashboard provides practical planning tools that allows clients to tailor weather windows to individual projects. Infoplaza accurately forecasts and monitors the weather so clients can increase safety, control risks, and decrease costs through reduced downtime.
Customized dashboard
Using specific parameters for your location help us make the weather work for you.

Improve weather forecast
Using multiple techniques, we are continuously improving our weather solutions. Metocean analysis, advanced forecast modelling and observation networks, prior to forecast production help us provide the most reliable forecasts possible. Sometimes, post forecast, local effects unreported in global models can only be observed in verification and analysis. This pre and post forecast relationship, combined with client guidance is critical in creating a ‘virtuous cycle’ where the forecast process is continually learning and improving.
The virtuous cycle
Client, data and Infoplaza working together to improve forecast quality.

State of the Art Modelling
At the outset, the right choice of model is a key factor in creating the most precise weather forecast possible for a specific location. All our weather forecasting solutions use the finest global meteorological models, which we enhance with regional, local, nested, nearshore, and high-resolution models. In addition, marine meteorologists and metocean modellers quality check all forecast output in order to provide the best possible solutions for your offshore operations. Our experts are always available 24/7 to answer your questions.
Make informed decisions
State of the art modelling combined with meteorologist expertise delivers quality.

Monitoring risk
Working offshore involves risk which needs to be manged proactively. During critical operations we encourage clients to communicate with our team of expert meteorologists in order to understand the weather risks associated with projects. Such collaboration allows Infoplaza to achieve greater insight about risks associated with projects and to collect information about the local maritime conditions on site. Weather monitoring is critical in protecting clients from the risks that the weather can create.
Making the right decisions
Work with us to deliver the right information to deal with weather risks.

“We can help you make the right weather decisions with complex marine operations. Watch our video to find out how we can support your offshore planning and help increase safety, control risks, and decrease costs.”
Alice LentinkTeam lead Marine Forecasting
Why use a weather expert?

All advantages:
Our weather experts are passionate about using their knowledge, to help your business. -
Using state of the art systems and dedicated teams we’re able to provide our clients with high quality weather solutions. -
Quick and efficient solutions to minimise client downtime. -
The weather is always changing so we here to we guide you through it.
Facts and figures on Infoplaza Marine Weather
an up-to-date weather
forecast every hour
support by marine meteorologists
weather experts and wave modellers
> 200
international marine and offshore companies which benefited from our solutions

Do you need support for your offshore projects?
We would be pleased to discuss the possibilities of supporting your offshore operations.
Olaf Sueters
Head of Sales B2B