Reliable weather
and traffic information
for on the road
When planning a project, contractors in road construction depend – among other things – on the weather conditions. When there is a chance of precipitation, fog or slippery conditions, Infoplaza Mobility immediately provides insight. Motorists choose the fastest itinerary through our app Verkeerplaza. We help both parties decide what to do and how to plan their journey.
Why choose Infoplaza Mobility for on the road?
Traffic jams, roadworks and weather information combined
Workable window for roadworks
By anticipating the weather using the forecast, contractors in road construction are able to schedule roadworks smarter and more efficiently. The dashboard provides insight on workable days and downtime at any location.
Cost saving
Prevent unnecessary costs when the weather hinders the roadworks.
Insight on downtime
Automatic reporting of non-workable days per project.

Safe roadworks
Infoplaza Mobility continuously maps movement by road workers and road users. Day and night. The real-time data are easy to access in a dashboard in order for road workers to be able to safely work, 24/7, under all weather conditions.

Creators of Verkeerplaza & moopmoop
Traffic information and the weather largely dictate the course of a motorist’s journey. Verkeerplaza combines real-time traffic information, such as traffic jams, roadworks and the weather. Thousands of road users already take advantage of the app. Verkeersplaza’s travel data can also be used through RSS feeds or for narrowcasting.

Insight on traffic and weather data for on the road

All advantages:
Plan roadworks efficiently
You can tell instantly if the weather is expected to hinder construction work in progress. Based on the traffic light colours in our dashboard you can quickly and easily adjust the schedule and planning. -
Work safely 24/7
Offer road workers a safe working environment. Thanks to real-time data we shed light on the whereabouts of other road users, both on the road and on construction sites. Day and night, whatever the weather conditions may be. -
Customized traffic and weather information
From direct connections with several mobility partners for real-time data processing tot travel planning and narrowcasting. We provide validated API’s as well as customized solutions.
Facts and figures on Infoplaza Mobility we're proud of
Proud of our fast growing team!
users of
Appstore rating for Verkeerplaza
by 5 major regional and city carriers in the Netherlands

"Together with Infoplaza Mobility, we are developing a digital platform that will usher in a new and safer era for road work."
Roeland KraanBedrijfsleider, Traffic & More BV

Want to know more about weather and traffic data for on the road?
Infoplaza Mobility’s data specialists are happy to discuss how our weather and traffic information will help you throughout your journey.